We are required to collect data, personal and sensitive, about you to enable us to assess your individual needs and to provide you with appropriate services and treatment plans. Your data may be shared with third parties, including NHS and medical experts, however we disclose only the information necessary to deliver treatments and services safely. With the exception of changes to appointments (whereby we would contact you by telephone) we may periodically contact you to keep you informed about developments within the organisation. As a client of Just Breathe O2, we will also keep in touch with you in regards to any news relevant to the organisation. If you agree to being contacted, please tick your preferred means of communication.
For full details of our Privacy Policy and how we collect, process and store your information, please see our website www.justbreatheo2.co.uk or ask for a copy of our Privacy Policy.
Are you currently? Living with partnerLiving with familyLiving aloneLiving in supported accomodationOther (please give detail)
If you have answered Other, please give detail here:
Do you receive a care package? YesNo
If you have answered Yes, please give detail here:
Do you provide care to someone? YesNo
Do you receive any health or social care services? YesNo
Are you currently EmployedRetiredUnable to work
Are you currently Full timePart TimeNot Applicable
Are you current in receipt of any benefits? YesNo
Health condition(s) you are seeking support with?
Do you have any other health conditions or concerns?
Please list your current medication(s)
Do you use a walking/ mobility aid? YesNo
If yes, please give details:
Do you require personal assistance? YesNo
How will you travel to use our services? CarPublic TransportMobility TaxiOther
If other, please specify:
In accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, all personal data supplied to Just Breathe O2 will be held in the strictest confidence and will not be passed on to any third parties without your consent. Your personal data will only be used for the purposes of access to the services offered by the organisation. If you have any concerns regarding the way your personal information is stored or used by Just Breathe O2, you may contact the organisation.
Please sign your signature in the blue area below: